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Want to switch to online documents? Sign up here.
Want to see more Hughes Insurance documents? Click here.
Today's Call Centre Opening Hours:
Sales: 09:00 – 18:00 | Renewals: 09:00 – 18:00 | Customer Service: 09:00 – 18:00
Sales: 09:00 – 17:00 | Renewals: 09:00 – 17:00 | Customer Service: 09:00 – 17:00
Sales: 09:00 – 17:00 | Renewals: 09:00 – 17:00 | Customer Service: 09:00 – 17:00
Sales: 09:00 – 17:00 | Renewals: 09:00 – 17:00 | Customer Service: 09:00 – 17:00
09:00 – 17:00 - If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please call us for support.
Open 24 hours
Frequently Asked Questions
If you would like some help using the Document Portal, you will find some of our most frequently asked questions below.
Where can I find my documents?
Who can use the Customer Portal?
At present, our Customer Portal is available to our Car Insurance customers, but we are working to make it available to more products soon!
Our Customer Portal is an online facility where you can access your policy documents without the need to wait for post, or hunting through your email inbox when you need them!
We will be expanding the features available through our Customer Portal in the near future, so watch this space!
How do I register for the Customer Portal?
Option 1 - When purchasing your policy online, select Customer Portal as your contact preference and, provided you choose a password at the time, your account will be set up automatically.
Option 2 - If you are an existing customer, but not yet using our Customer Portal, you can register yourself through the Customer Centre section of our website by clicking here.
Option 3 - We are currently contacting existing customers to offer them the option to swap to our Customer Portal. If you receive an email from us regarding this, just follow the instructions within!
What happens if I change my email address?
If you change your email from what is recorded on our system, you will need to re-register for the Customer Portal.
What happens if I forget my password?
On the Customer Portal login page, click on 'Forgotten Password?' below the login boxes and follow the steps provided.
Can I upload documents through the Customer Portal?
This function is not available at present, however in our Customer Centre you can complete a short web form to upload a variety of documents that we may ask for.
What documents can I expect to see in my Customer Portal?
We have a wide range of documents which will be sent to your Customer Portal once registered, examples of which are listed below.
Why haven't I received any documents in my Customer Portal?
As long as you have completed the registration for the Customer Portal, you should, where possible, be receiving your Policy correspondence. Please ensure the email address we hold on file for you is correct. If you are still facing difficulty, please contact our Customer Service Team on 02891 817375.
Can I have my documents emailed?
Our Customer Portal is replacing the emailing of documents. If necessary, you can request to be changed to a Post preference, or when speaking to an advisor over the phone, you can request that a certain document is posted to you instead.
Did you know that some Post Office branches allow you to email a document (such as a Certificate of Insurance) to them, and they will print it for you for a small fee? This can help save paper and printing costs when it's just one page that you need!
What happens if I have other policies with you that don't currently work with the Customer Portal?
For example, if you have your Home Insurance with us, and are taking out a Car Insurance policy, only your Car Insurance documentation will be available in your Customer Portal at present. The other documents will follow via Post or Email.